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Booking Online

Easy and Convenient way to book online

  1. Create  your profile ( name, email, phone number)

  2. Select the Service you are looking to book

  3. Hit the Search button

  4. Choose the date and time that works best for you. (If you can't find a date & time or don't know what service to book please send me an email, call me with the date & time that you're looking for)

  5. You're all set! You will receive a remainder 48 hours before your appointment.

Cancellation & No Show Policy

Your appointment is very important to me, and I have reserved a time specifically for you. I understand that life happens and should you need to cancel or reschedule your visit, I respectfully request 24 hour notice for cancellations. Cancellations made less than 24 hours from the scheduled services time will result in being charge a fee up to 50% of the services scheduled. Cancellations with less than 24 hour notice are difficult to fill. By giving last minute notice, you prevent someone else from being able to schedule into that available appointment slot. No-shows will not be able to book online and will have to pay rebooking fee.

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